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Men's Hostel

Men's Hostel

The Institution:

St. Philomena college Men’s hostel was founded by great visionary Msgr. Antony patrao in the year 1959 with the intention of providing board and lodge to ardent students who pursue their study at St. Philomena College. It is a home away from home. Here the primary importance is given for discipline, good manners , punctuality, cleanness and study as well.

Hostel Officials:

Very Rev. Fr. Lawrence Mascarenhas - Correspondent

Rev. Dr. Antony Prakash Monteiro - Principal S.P.C

Rev. Fr. Ashok Rayan Crasta - Principal S.P.P.U.C

Rev. Fr. Rupesh Ravin Tauro - Warden



The admission is done by taking into consideration the background and the academic performance of the student. The student should come along with their parents/guardians at the time of admission and it is done for only year. A student may be readmitted to the following year on the record of his performance in study as well as discipline / character in the hostel. The warden may refuse admission to any one without assigning any reason. if the parents work abroad or cannot come as and when called they need to represent the guardians while admission. No influence of any person shall be entertained during admission

General Time Table:

Since a sense of order is necessary for instance assiduous study, everyone needs to strictly adhere to the common time table.

Timetable brings order into one’s life, helps ineffective time management and promotes a fair sense of predictability and planning. In a house of study, since we have live with others, a common order has to be strictly followed by all the students. Arbitrary life style cannot promote hard and industriousness.

 The General Time Table is given below:

Timings Tasks
5.30 a.m. Rising
6.00 a.m. Study / Holy Mass for Catholics
8.00-8.30 a.m. Breakfast
8.45 a.m. Leaving for College
12.30 – 1.00 p.m. Lunch
1.20 p.m. Leaving for college
4.00 – 5.30 p.m. Tea / Games / Wash / Bath
6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Study
7.30 p.m. Rosary for Catholics
8.00 – 9.00 p.m. Supper / T.V
9.00 – 10.30 p.m. Study
10.30 p.m. To bed / Light off

Prayer and Spirituality:

Hostellers are expected to have a sound and fine spirituality of their own

Prayer & meditation is an integral part of any human being. Hence personnel prayer is an integral part of any human being. Hence personal prayer is necessary to being the day well. It is mandatory for catholic students to attend daily mass in the morning and rosary in the evening. Moreover they are expected to attend other spiritual exercises like confession, retreat, catechism etc.

Recreation and Games:

Students are allowed to watch TV everyday from 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and also on Sundays and on holidays after 11.00 a.m. till 5.30 p.m.

Essential games materials are provided by the hostel. Due Care is to be taken to return the materials immediately after the games. Indoor games are not allowed during college and study hours.

Telephone Facility:

Hostellers are not supposed to telephone during study hours. In coming phones can be given only between 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. daily and on Sunday’s 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. there is a coin phone facility for the hostellers’ use.

PUC Students are not allowed to use Cell phone in the Hostel. Cell phones are allowed to the U.G. and P.G. Students, on an experimental basis subject to the following conditions.


Hostel fees are to be paid in the beginning of the year in one instalment. Only those who have obtained due permission can pay the required amount in second instalment.

If someone wishes to leave the hostel during the year or is expelled from the Hostel, no claim could be made for the refund of the Establishment fee. Fee once paid can never be claimed back under any circumstances. A deposit of Rs. 500/- will be refunded only after vacating the room and if any damage is done to the hostel property double the amount of the repairs will be claimed from the person.

Hostel Mess Bills:

Mess bill is shared on dividing system. It includes total amount spent on food, Salary of the staff, electricity, generator, water etc.

Mess bills of the month will be displayed on the first week of the next month. Students can pay the mess bill without any fine till 15th of that month, after which Rs 10 per day will be charged as fine.

Bill deductions are possible only in the absence of continuous 7 days. Mess bill should be paid either in cash or D.D. No cheques shall be accepted.

Helpful tips to the Parents:

Use of Cell phone is allowed to the undergraduates. While mobile phones are convenient means of fast communication, there is a real danger that they might become toys for entertainment. A lot of time can be wasted playing with the mobile, listening to music, etc. Please communicate with your son only between 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. mobiles used during the study hours and in the room will be confiscated and will be given back only at the end of the term.

No student residing in the hostel is allowed to go to tuition outside during the year. Those who want tuitions are asked to attend tuition to attend in our own college.

Please call the Hostel office at 08251-230540 for any clarification.


Ragging is a criminal offence those who indulge in ragging or encourage those who do, even for fun or in a friendly way, in any form, inside the campus or outside the campus, will be dismissed immediately both from the hostel and also college and official complaint will be logged with police by management. No justification of any kind or pleading innocence on any ground will be acceptable in this ground.


Postal Address:

ST. Philomena College Men’s Hostel

Phiolonagar Darbe – 574202
Puttur D.K., Karnataka-India

Ph: (08251) 230540
E-mail: stphilomena@sify .com.

 Hostel Office Phone Numbers:

  • Hostel Office: 08251- 230540

Helpful Phone Numbers:

  • Correspondent: 08251- 230570, 234570
  • PUC Principal: 08251- 230390
  • PUC Office: 08251- 236340
  • SPC Office: 08251- 230340
  • SPC Principal: 08251- 236460
  • PUC Office: 08251- 236340