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The spacious and well furnished college library has separate section for general reading and reference materials.It has as many as 5000 volume of various disciplines and college is updating the number as when required. The college also subscribes to number of journals/periodicals and news papers of various languages.


The rules and regulations of the Library are formulated to ensure uniformity in meeting the demands of the readers. It is the genuine co-operation, sincere appreciation of the library services and adherence to the rules and regulations by readers that can really help the successful functioning of the library.

  • Strict silence must be observed in the library at all times.
  • Students are strictly prohibited from using edible things in the library.
  • Students must behave in a reasonable and seemly fashion in the library and must not damage library property or disturb other readers.
  • Library membership is compulsory for all students.
  • Each student is issued with two Borrower's Tickets and a reference ticket.
  • Books are issued to the students only against the Borrower's Ticket.
  • Book issued for home reading must be returned within 15 days. Due date is found on the DUE DATE LABEL pasted on the book.
  • Any student who fails to return the book within the due date shall pay on overdue charge.
  • The book once borrowed may be got renewed on production of the book at the counter, before the expiry of the due date. However renewal requests are not honoured if that particular book is demanded by other students.
  • Students have to sign in the student signature register whenever they visit the library.
  • Students have to examine the book in detail while borrowing, to know whether all pages, maps, charts etc., are intact and in case the above are missing, it should be immediately brought to the notice of the library staff.
  • Students will take good care of the books taken out. Any damage will be dealt with a fine.
  • Magazines, question papers & reference books are issued only on production of the reference ticket which has to be returned before they leave the library.
  • Library cards are not transferable.
  • Students should return library books and surrender their library cards to the library and obtain NO DUE CERTIFICATE before receiving admission tickets for the examinations.