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Inauguration of Students' Council, Clubs and Associations 2024-25

Inauguration of the Students' Council, Clubs and Associations was held at St Philomena P.U.College, Puttur on 15th June 2024 in the Silver Jubilee Memorial Hall.

The formal programme was inaugurated by lighting the lamp.

The President , Rev. Dr Praveen Leo Lasrado ,Secretary, Catholic Board of Education,Mangalore in his presidential remarks said that the students should know their talents and nourish it .He motivated students to think and study well.He advised students to respect their parents and teachers. He added that the students should put their best in what they do and be a good citizen of the country.

The Inaugurator, Very Rev. Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas, Correspondent ,Mai De Deus Educational Institutions, Puttur said that a leader is one who leads everyone in the right path. He advised students to know the sacrifice of their parents. He enlightened the students to love everyone, to be kind , to have a pure heart , to make others happy and to learn the values of life.

The Guest of Honour, Mr Jerald D'costa ,Vice President, Parish Pastoral Council ,Mai De Deus Church, Puttur said, " A good leader should have faith in God , strength and confidence. A leader is one who can see how things can be improved and rallies people to move towards a better vision. Leaders should work towards making their vision a reality by putting people first".

The Guest of honour, Mrs Prathima Hegde President , Alumni Association complimented the office bearers of the student council and said that the students should aim to do unique things and shine in life. She added that a leader should inspire others and leadership is incomplete without teamwork. She advised students that leaders should embrace everything with courage and confidence .

The Principal, Rev Fr.Ashok Rayan Crasta administered the oath of office to the newly elected members of the student council.

Mr.Prashanth Bhat ( Lecturer in Chemistry) and Mrs. Philomena Monteiro ( Lecturer in Commerce] Directors of Students' Council coordinated the programme.

Ankitha L.D.[II PCMB 'A'],President of the Student Council welcomed the gathering. Srudhan Alva K [ II SEBA 'B'] Joint Secretary of the Student Council proposed Vote of thanks. Sakina Aiman [II SEBA 'B ]compered the programme.