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Annual Retreat 2024

A one-day retreat for Catholic students of St Philomena P.U. College, Puttur, was held at Divya Chethana Chapel on August 9, 2024. Rev. Fr Anil Avild Lobo, Parish Priest of Nainad, conducted the retreat.

Very Rev. Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas, Correspondent of Mai De Deus Educational Institutions, in his introductory remarks,

emphasized the importance of lasting happiness through spiritual means.

The first session began with a prayer song, followed by Rev. Fr Anil Avild Lobo's message on gratitude and doing God's will. He quoted Matthew 5:36, highlighting the significance of simplicity and sincerity in our words and actions.

Rev. Fr Ashok Rayan Crasta, Principal of St Philomena P.U. College, preached on God's words, while Rev. Fr Anil Avild Lobo enlightened the students about love, its types and its importance in our life.

The retreatants participated in a Holy Adoration. Thus the annual retreat, organized by the Divya Chethana Association, was a fruitful and enriching experience with inspiring preachings, praise, worship, and lively hymns.

Through this retreat, the students strengthened their bond with the Lord through spiritual reflection.Rev. Fr Ashok Rayan Crasta, Principal thanked the gathering. The programme was successfully coordinated by the convenors, Mr. Sandesh John Lobo, Mrs. Shilpa Emilia Rodrigues, and Ms. Joshila Marita Menezes.