Thanks giving mass at St Philomena P.U.College

Thanks giving Holy Eucharistic Celebration was held in the Divya Chethana Chapel on 16/09/2022.
The Campus director,  Rev. Fr Stany Pinto and  Rev. Fr Ashok Rayan Crasta ,Principal , St Philomena P.U. College,Puttur were the main celebrants.  
The Principal,  Rev. Fr Ashok Rayan Crasta  in his sermon said, ” Jesus Christ has come to this world on a specific mission. As a part of this mission he went on doing good for the sinners so much  that he sacrificed himself on the cross. After he  ascended to heaven this mission was carried on by the Apostles. As a Christian we need to understand the mission and try to fulfil it”.
The Coordinators , Mr Sandesh John Lobo, Mrs Shilpa Emilia  Rodrigues and Ms Joshila M. Menezes coordinated the mass.